
New, smaller and easy-to-carry hyperspectral imaging systems are changing the way we monitor the environment. These systems use advanced sensors to get information from the environment and can be used from the sky, like using a drone, or from the ground. This article talks about how we've been able to make these sensors smaller and more portable, and how we've started using cheap, everyday technology for these tasks. Right now, these systems help the existing ways we monitor the environment, but as this technology keeps getting better, we're expecting these new tools will be able to do the job all on their own soon. Even though these devices are cheap and light, they're already giving us high-quality scientific data. This means more people can use this technology, and we'll be able to collect a lot more information about our environment. So, this paper will provide a brief review of developments and technological advances in compact field deployable systems by using hyperspectral imaging sensors.

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