
Prior to alpha-spectrometric measurements several chemical manipulations are usually required to obtain alpha-radiating sources with the desired radiochemical and chemical purity. These include sampling, dissolution or leaching of the elements of interest, conditioning of the solution, chemical separation and preparation of the alpha-emitting source. The choice of a particular method is dependent on different criteria but always involves aspects of the selectivity or the quantitative nature of the separations. The availability of suitable tracers or spikes and modern high resolution instruments resulted in the wide-spread application of isotopic dilution techniques to the problems associated with quantitative chemical separations. This enhanced the development of highly elective methods and reagents which led to important simplifications in the separation schemes. The chemical separation methods commonly used in connection with alpha-spectrometric measurements involve precipitation with selected scavenger elements, solvent extraction, ion exchange and electrodeposition techniques or any combination of them. Depending on the purpose of the final measurement and the type of sample available the chemical separation methods have to be adapted to the particular needs of environment monitoring, nuclear chemistry and metrology, safeguards and safety, waste management and requirements in the nuclear fuel cycle. Against the background of separation methods available in the literature the present paper highlights the current developments and trends in the chemical techniques applicable to alpha spectrometry.

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