
The first issue of the International Memorial Course Marko Petrak – Roman Legal Tradition and Contemporary Legal Systems, organised by the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, was held at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik from the 16th to 18th of October 2023. The course was organised in honour and memory of eminent professor and scholar, the late lamented Marko Petrak. The course was planned by the co-directors from different European universities (University of Zagreb; University of Trento; University of Warsaw; Jagiellonian University, Kraków; Autonomous University of Barcelona; University of Sarajevo), while the main organisers from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb were Professor Tomislav Karlović and Associate Professor Henrik-Riko Held. The course was attended by forty participants: students from various European countries (Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, etc.) and eminent professors and scholars from various distinguished European universities and institutions (e.g. Trento, Torino, Ferrara, Macerata, Frankfurt am Main, Kraków, Warsaw, Ljubljana, etc.). The organizers and the participants were also joined by Marko Petrak’s mother, Professor Jelka Petrak (Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb). During the course various topics were covered in three thematic blocks: Roman Legal Tradition, Methodology and Teaching of Roman Law in Contemporary World (first day), Roman Legal Issues (first and second day) and Medieval and Canon Law Contributions to the Roman Legal Tradition and vice versa (third day).

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