Recent years have seen an increase in the use of Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs), with applications ranging from flexible, low-cost displays to organic memory, RFID tag components, low-cost electronic appliances, and polymer circuits and sensors. Thin-film transistors (TFTs) have developed into a critical business on the grounds levels to their wide scope of utilizations in display; Radio-Frequency ID labels (RFID SENSOR), intelligent computation, and different areas. Reduced models are basic in the turn of events and execution of TFTs on the grounds that they overcome any barrier between the manufacture cycle and circuit plan. The motivation behind this exploration is to assemble a hypothetical structure for nanoscale TFT models made of polysilicon, indistinct silicon, natural, and In-Ga-Zn-O (IGZO) semiconductors. Extraordinary consideration is paid to surface-expected based smaller models of silicon-based TFTs. Surface-potential-based compact models and parameter extraction approaches were presented based on our knowledge of charge transport characteristics and TFT needs in organic and IGZO TFTs.
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