
Calmodulin (CaM) and Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) are tightly associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and are implicated in the regulation of transmembrane Ca(2+) cycling. In order to assess the importance of membrane-associated CaM in modulating the Ca(2+) pump (Ca(2+)-ATPase) function of SR, the present study investigated the effects of a synthetic, high affinity CaM-binding peptide (CaM BP; amino acid sequence, LKWKKLLKLLKKLLKLG) on the ATP-energized Ca(2+) uptake, Ca(2+)-stimulated ATP hydrolysis, and CaM kinase-mediated protein phosphorylation in rabbit cardiac SR vesicles. The results revealed a strong concentration-dependent inhibitory action of CaM BP on Ca(2+) uptake and Ca(2+)-ATPase activities of SR (50% inhibition at approximately 2-3 microM CaM BP). The inhibition, which followed the association of CaM BP with its SR target(s), was of rapid onset (manifested within 30 s) and was accompanied by a decrease in V(max) of Ca(2+) uptake, unaltered K(0.5) for Ca(2+) activation of Ca(2+) transport, and a 10-fold decrease in the apparent affinity of the Ca(2+)-ATPase for its substrate, ATP. Thus, the mechanism of inhibition involved alterations at the catalytic site but not the Ca(2+)-binding sites of the Ca(2+)-ATPase. Endogenous CaM kinase-mediated phosphorylation of Ca(2+)-ATPase, phospholamban, and ryanodine receptor-Ca(2+) release channel was also strongly inhibited by CaM BP. The inhibitory action of CaM BP on SR Ca(2+) pump function and protein phosphorylation was fully reversed by exogenous CaM (1-3 microM). A peptide inhibitor of CaM kinase markedly attenuated the ability of CaM to reverse CaM BP-mediated inhibition of Ca(2+) transport. These findings suggest a critical role for membrane-bound CaM in controlling the velocity of Ca(2+) pumping in native cardiac SR. Consistent with its ability to inhibit SR Ca(2+) pump function, CaM BP (1-2.5 microM) caused marked depression of contractility and diastolic dysfunction in isolated perfused, spontaneously beating rabbit heart preparations. Full or partial recovery of contractile function occurred gradually following withdrawal of CaM BP from the perfusate, presumably due to slow dissociation of CaM BP from its target sites promoted by endogenous cytosolic CaM.

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