
Anion and cation channels present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) are believed to be necessary to maintain the electroneutrality of SR membrane during Ca(2+) uptake by the SR Ca(2+) pump (SERCA). Here we incorporated canine cardiac SR ion channels into lipid bilayers and studied the effects of tamoxifen and other antiestrogens on these channels. A Cl(-) channel was identified exhibiting multiple subconductance levels which could be divided into two primary conductance bands. Tamoxifen decreases the time the channel spends in its higher, voltage-sensitive band and the mean channel current. The lower, voltage-insensitive, conductance band is not affected by tamoxifen, nor is a K(+) channel present in the cardiac SR preparation. By examining SR Ca(2+) uptake, SERCA ATPase activity, and SR ion channels in the same preparation, we also estimated SERCA transport current, SR Cl(-) and K(+) currents, and the density of SERCA, Cl(-), and K(+) channels in cardiac SR membranes.

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