
In the reaction A + B C, where A and B are ionic reactants having opposite charges, a B molecule approaching an A will experience a switching of the interaction potential when the A molecule is captured by one of the other B molecules in the medium. In the reversible case, the former B molecule still has a chance to react with the A, so that one needs to take into account the switched interaction between the reactant B and the product C as well as that between the reactants to treat the kinetics accurately. It is shown that this kind of interaction potential switching affects the relaxation kinetics in an intriguing way as observed in a recent experiment on an excited-state proton transfer reaction.歯漀؀Ѐ瑫牳܀佂䝈䉑搀Ā܀硰�⨀Ā灳欀؀Ѐ歳瑴ろ�⨀䉇䡂儀나�⨀렲ﶖ⨀ﶖ⨀�⨀ㄲ㈵ⴱ㈷㖟�⨀歳牭⨀킃�⨀ƗԀ⨀q�⨀Ā�⨀桶�⨀ᢄ�⨀�⨀ꢂ�⨀؀ѫ獲洀Ѐ歯捳ﶖ⨀ᤁ돐쁯�⨀歳牭떭铫나뗭閙谀Ԁ歡獩挀܀Ԁ歩潭搀܀Ԁ歡楣椀؀Ѐ整物ࠀ歳牭獰攱؀Ѐ瑫扳܀Ԁ武浡㄀؀鳪떭铫나뗭閙谀Ѐ歧桰؀Ѐ武牭섂돀遠�⨀堘�⨀肴�⨀僐�⨀餂돐࠴ﶖ⨀墵�⨀/ࠀ胐�⨀夂덐ꠀs牭Ԁ慥s�⨀歳獡欁煭k獲洀獯污爀1ﶖ⨀1ﶖ⨀­�⨀o牥慮⁓c楥瑹⁦r⁒潣欠e捨慮楣~�⨀㠀ࢫ�⨀₆�⨀⢮�⨀Ԁ正猀؀Ѐ歳獳܀Ԁ歩捥洀܀戀Ȁ浩猀䡴�⨀Ȁ܀灡欀؀Ѐ殁p؀ك佌䍌䄁戀步桳ࠀ쀟ﶖ⨀ﶖ⨀†ﶖ⨀ꧬ鮔萀Ԁ歳浭攀؀Ѐ步獫؀Ѐ歩慳؀Ѐ歡潭佂䝈䉑퇪돀遠�⨀ꁠﲖ⨀�⨀�⨀돐ゅ�⨀��⨀㢅�⨀뤏덐䢅�⨀렏頏

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