
As an attempt to explain some of the many anomalies and unresolved problems which have been reported about the dynamic behavior of particles and molecules absorbed in crystalline solids, the "reverse Mössbauer effect" (RME) is proposed. RME theory posits that a particle in non-equilibrium state with respect to a crystal (colliding with the crystal or absorbed in it, but set out of thermal equilibrium by some external cause) is scattered by the whole crystal with a momentum proportional to a vector representing a reciprocal lattice point. The scattering is expected to occur with a well-defined probability and the momentum transferable to the particle is expected to follow a predictable distribution. The RME theory, in practice, is an extension of the Bragg-von Laue scattering law to high-energy colliding particles, in general, and can be applied to any particle or molecule colliding with the surface of a crystalline solid or absorbed in it, but not in thermal equilibrium with the crystal lattice. We verified the RME theory by considering a well-defined unresolved problem. In an experimental study about methane adsorbed in the zeolite Na-ZSM-5 [H. Jobic, Chem. Phys. Lett. 170, 217 (1990)] reporting neutron inelastic-scattering spectra (recoiled bands) at 10 K, the translational kinetic energy of methane resulted to be much higher than equilibrium expected value, namely, about 85 K (or 7.3 meV). The author concluded that "the interpretation of this unusual behavior has yet to be found." In the present study, on the basis of the RME, an explanation of this behavior is put forward.

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