
This article reviews studies on the application of reverse logistics in solid waste from the construction industry. The main objective is to provide a summary of current knowledge and specific areas for future research. In addition, construction, as an economic sector, is in a continuous search for new tools to improve its processes, so this research provides the current situation of the relationship between reverse logistics and solid waste in the industry. The review methodology was content analysis of scientific literature published between 1997 and 2020, and total of 66 articles were used. 73% correspond to research articles, around 13% are case studies, and 12% are literature reviews. Only one of the articles is a survey. In addition, 52% of the works reviewed correspond to solid waste studies and 49% are related to the construction industry; only one publication does not classify in any. The most used keywords for the identification of published works were reverse logistics and supply chain; both terms are frequently related to the process and general management of solid waste and construction. The least used term was the literature review that shows the low number of articles that provide a summary of the proposed topic. Finally, three materials were chosen for the study because they are the most used in construction: metals, bricks, and concrete. 15% of the articles study all three, 18% study only metals, and 63% study other materials or are related to construction and solid waste in general.


  • The most complete topic studied was considered; 52% were categorized in the solid waste (SW) section and 49% in the construction industry

  • E last category in the table is the materials studied in the selected publications. ree materials were chosen because they are the most used in construction [16]: metals, bricks, and concrete. 15% of the publications study the three materials, 18% study only metals, and 63% do not study any of them, since they treat construction or SW in a general way

  • As the construction industry grows, more waste is generated which creates a major portion of SW. e amount and type of waste depends on many factors, such as the stage of construction, the type of construction work, and construction on site. e use of rubble in construction materials could facilitate the waste process, concentrating on the analysis of reverse logistics (RL) regarding waste and recovery strategies for waste

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Objectives and Scope of thePublications. e most studied topic in publications (35%) is how to apply RL in different fields, be it the construction industry or SW. E most studied topic in publications (35%) is how to apply RL in different fields, be it the construction industry or SW. Of the 66 publications, 47 are articles; RL is studied in a more descriptive way. RL facilitates the recovery of SW caused by a productive activity, in this case, the construction industry. In the articles and case studies reviewed, the review of the topic is not considered explanatory; it is only mentioned in relation to the discussion of the revised publication. E first articles related to RL and the construction industry began to appear around the year 2000 and have been gradually increasing, especially for articles in scientific journals. Regarding the materials selected for the study, Sobotka et al [34] conclude that the most used materials in construction are concrete, bricks, and metals. Precast concrete rubble and brick have a variety of applications. e aggregate of low-quality recycled concrete can be used to build temporary roads, road bases, and lean concrete, among others

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