
The effectiveness of an integrated approach applied by P. Kabytov to a scientist’s biography as a genre of scientific research has been shown in the review of his biographic essay about Yu. Smykov. The essay is based on written and oral sources. Reflections on the fate of the researcher and his works are presented in the context of historiographical comprehension of the problems in the national science about the Past, primarily, on the example of the agrarian history of pre-revolutionary Russia. Researches in this area became undoubted progress of Soviet historiography during its last decades. Among the most prominent scientists who carried out and organized these researches Yu. Smykov has been also. In this sketch the good example of truthful and attentive relation to merits of representative of professional corporation of historians, scientific academic community is given. The essay by P. Kabytov gives a good example of a truthful and attentive attitude to the merits of representative of historians’ professional corporation and the academic community. P. Kabytov managed to capture the main thing, showing the contribution of his colleague as the initiatorand coordinator of scientific researches, as the champion of education, as the teacher, who formatted the new generation of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. The most interesting materials identified by P. Kabytov were published in the relevant sections of the book: Memoirs, Letters, Photos. Thanks to this, readers and other researchers can familiarize with them, evaluate them, take advantage of them. The narrative about the scientist in this essay was not absolutely completed due to objective circumstances and has been consciously stopped for personal reasons. P. Kabytov himself considers his essay as the basis for creatinga scientific biography of Yu. Smykov, who has yet to write.

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