
Today it is told that future teachers of biology must be oriented on forming pupils’ social activity, responsibility and ecological consciousness, readiness to take part in solving problems of environment protection and society development, recognition of the importance of the stable development for future generations. The special place in the process of professional training of future teachers is occupied by the methodical competence, so the quality of learning-methodological textbooks. The problem of the educational process optimization remains in the center of modern teachers’ attention. Taking into account this fact, there were analyzed textbooks on the method of teaching natural science of the beginning of XX century (1902–1914). Let’s note that they contain texts and extra-texts components, blocks of questions, differentiated tasks for the individual and group work, complex of stimulating steps for the self-development of professional skills, formation of practical abilities and so on, topical also for today.We determined certain peculiarities as a result of the analysis. The content of the textbook, edited in 1902, was structured according to seasons and natural phenomena. For example, the topic of components of inanimate nature (soil, loam, sand, stones, gravel, gneiss) was studied in the section “Autumn”. This topic was considered in the separated section, named “Mineralogy” in the methodical textbook of 1907year. The edition of 1914 contains the separate section that deals with the laboratory method, the content of practical activities and lessons that provide laboratory works was elucidated.Let’s note that the special attention was paid to the role of nature in the human life by all three authors.We consider the analyzed textbooks as a valuable contribution to the educational sphere and important element in the process of professional training of future teachers of biology

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