
Abstract: No one knows when man, who evolved from ape to man, tried to hide his dignity. For a long period of time in the long history of mankind, he lived like animals in mountain caves and tree branches as his abode. He hunted animals for food. He lived without any clothes like animals. In time, when he felt the need to hide his dignity, what he got as clothing were leaves, tree bark and animal skins. That habit continued with him for a long period of history. This practice continued with him even during the Sangha period. Sangha literature attests to it. Clothing is one of the basic human needs. That is why a man without clothes is referred to as a half-man. Clothing is a basic human need and a symbol of culture. No one knows when man learned how to spin yarn and weave clothes. Since thousands of years it happened. The Sangam texts show us the development of the cotton weaving industry during the Sangam period. There are many references to clothing in “Tamil” literature Udukai, cloth, garment, uduku, kupayam, meipai, pattudai, kalingam, saree, kachu, danai, padam were the words used to refer to clothing during the Sangam period. This review article focuses to explore these retro clothing’s.

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