
All types of markets required for rapid dynamic change and development of emergency logistics and development of external macro-environment and production and management of modern enterprises are ready for rapid response and logistics operations it has led to level emergency testing. To start with, the elements of the blueprint of the crisis coordination's choice emotionally supportive network and the proposed layout of the crisis coordination's choice emotionally supportive network dynamically support the generation of logistics intelligent decision procedures for the emergency logistics system following sensor data. Web Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and construction are based on two system models. A crisis coordination's choice emotionally supportive network model for the information layer, control layer, utilitarian layer, and human cooperation layer. It consists of four parts, the last two main systems of technical improvement and implementation. A system that can solve bottleneck constraints, improve the coordination's framework with the capacity to viably see the yield of the Web GIS layer, control the expense of crisis reaction, and the working productivity of the framework also this operation is based on the Field Programmable Gate array (FPGA) tool.

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