
• This study was conducted among 108 gifted students from South Ural State University (Russia). • Gifted students tend to react to various learning factors in a unique way. • Study results can be used in solving the difficulties of increasing the academic success of gifted students. Many various methods of increasing the effectiveness of teaching gifted students, as well as distinguishing important factors that affect their creativity and academic performance, have been reviewed. However, this research was mainly devoted to investigating the relationship between individualization of learning and students’ preliminary orientation and students’ creativity. On the example of 108 students, researchers tested the principles of selecting gifted learners, giving the ability to apply these principles in subsequent studies. Between the results of the experimental groups (Group 1 and 2) and the control group (Group 3), a moderate correlation was found. For the theoretical test, the correlation between Group 1 (the most efficient one) and the control group comprised 0.401026. There were no changes in the creativity of the participants as a result of training (according to the CAQ test). A medium correlation was found between the level of creativity in Group 1, to which preliminary orientation was applied, with an increase in the academic results of its participants (above r = 0.4617 for all group participants and above r = 0.582 for 7 of them). It is assumed that preliminary orientation can improve the quality of creativity implementation. Individualization of learning was recognized as a critical factor in improving gifted students’ performance, while the preliminary orientation was admitted to be able only to make academic achievements more stable.

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