
In today's social development system, people have begun to pursue more and more physical health and quality of life materials under the wave of economic development. In people's daily work and study life, medical and health care services are an important part of people's physical health. People need to ensure their physical and mental health to improve their quality of life. In many areas, the development level of medical technology is not very high, but information technology and computer network technology have brought people a new development model. The development of telemedicine has solved the problem of backward medical technology in remote areas and created more for people. Safe medical environment. In the context of the development of the new era, the development of wireless sensor technology has gradually enriched the construction of the telemedicine system. This article analyzes the relevant principles of wireless sensor network connection to study and design a system that can realize remote medical control and monitoring. To design a new medical monitoring system, you need to apply sensor technology and wireless sensor network technology. This article studies the specific conditions of these two technologies, and confirms the reliability of the new system in daily life through actual analysis.

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