
The purpose of the study is to investigate the relation between self-esteem and values held by candidate teachers. The model used for the research is relational survey model which is a subtype of general survey model. General survey model is based on screening all elements or a subset of elements within a domain in order to come to a judgment about the domain itself. Research workgroup is 1245 candidate teachers studying at S.U. Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education. The data acquisition tools used in the research are; Schwartz Value Inventory, which is developed by Schwartz in 1992 and contains 57 value statements and 10 sub dimensions [Schwartz & Boehnke, 2004]. Kusdil and Kagitcibasi (2000) adaptation is also applied. One other tool which was used is Self-Esteem Scale. This tool was developed by Aricak in 1999 and contains 32 items. According to the research results of self-esteem and values relations; a positive relation was observed for power, success, hedonism, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, conformity and security sub dimensions. No relation was observed for stimulation and traditionalism sub dimensions.

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