
The ipsilateral and contralateral retinal projection was studied in pigmented rabbits and in 3 strains of albino rabbits by anterograde transport of [3H]proline and [3H]fucose combined with autoradiographic techniques. Special attention was paid to the terminals in the pretectal area of both the pigmented and albino strains. On the contralateral side terminal labeling was found in both pigmented and albino rabbits in the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT), the anterior pretectal nucleus (PA), the posterior pretectal nucleus (PP) and the pretectal olivary nucleus (PO). Ipsilaterally labeling was found only in the pigmented strain in small patches in the PP. Ipsilateral projection was not found in the albinos in the pretectal area. The results are in agreement with the findings of Scalia in pigmented rabbits. The absence of ipsilateral labeling in the pretectal region in albinos is in contrast with earlier findings of Giolli and Takahashi et al., in pigmented rabbits but is in agreement with the observations of Takahashi and Oyster. Since no radioactively labeled fibers were found to project to the NOT in either pigmented or albino rabbits, these results do not support the hypothesis of Collewijn that the inverted optokinetic nystagmus in albinos is due to misrouting of the ipsilateral retinal fibers to the NOT.

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