
Traditional teaching practice in the classroom is dominated by teacher-centered lecture practice where a well-designed lesson plan is rarely followed. Having no lesson plan in the classroom, students’ role become passive. This study explores the potential contributors to lesson plans and designs a policy for effective lesson plans. A mini-experiment was conducted at the Department of Economics in Government Edward College, Pabna and the survey were conducted at different colleges in the same district of Bangladesh. The survey (n = 151) is used for attributes selection, questionnaire development, and data collection. Theory-based lesson plan, seating arrangement in the classroom, monitoring class activities, and teaching experience are essential for designing and implementing lesson plans in the classroom. Findings of the study are very important for every teacher to enhance their quality of teaching and assessment technique. These are also significant for every student because it provides support to increase the engagement of learning in the classroom. • Traditional teaching practice is very insignificant to draw students' attention. • Every teacher needs to follow lesson plan for effective classroom teaching. • Constructivism theory, Gagne's nine events of learning and formative assessment help to design an effective lesson plan. • Lesson plan can assist to develop teaching quality. • Students much preferred of lesson plan-induced academic session.

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