
Considering the complexity of product design, designers normally use a holistic approach to create a product based on target customers and market needs. To create products, many design tools and techniques used in most cases are qualitative. Although ergonomics design principals are widely taught in many design and engineering schools, it might be limited to anthropometry, usability testing, principals and check lists. Ergonomics research data and knowledge are not presented for easy use to designers, hence ergonomics aspects are often overlooked by designers during the ideation stage. Creative design, even though commercially successful, sometimes are looked down as it may not ‘pass’ the traditional ergonomics check list. Ergonomics tools need to be developed to consider the different stages in design. Ergonomics should consider developing tools and methods with designers in mind, so that ergonomics tools can be easily adapted by them. With a clear collaboration between designers and ergonomist better creative design with imbedded ergonomics can be created.

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