
Taksim Square is a significant public space in Istanbul, Turkiye, with socio-cultural and historical importance. The square has been known as a platform for expressing political issues and socio-cultural demands. Also, it serves as a unifying hub that fosters social interaction for locals and tourists from different backgrounds. While tourists contribute to the economic activity in the areas concentrated with accommodations and shopping centres, Taksim Square holds a special place for the local community. It serves as a meeting point and holds indispensable value for various aspects of life, including business activities, museums, transportation connectivity, and the presence of nearby educational institutions. Moreover, as a prominent public space in Turkiye, Taksim Square attracts a diverse audience that includes disadvantaged groups such as ethnic minorities, migrants, people with disabilities, the elderly, and children. However, when considering the needs of disadvantaged groups, certain challenges become apparent. These challenges include a lack of green spaces, playgrounds, and facilities, as well as issues related to the organisation and landscape design of the area. Therefore, this research aims to revitalise Taksim Square through the implementation of urban acupuncture, proposing design solutions that cater to the diverse needs of its users. The research emphasises a comprehensive approach that prioritises the needs of disadvantaged groups and environmental considerations while fostering dynamism, security, and the creation of green spaces.

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