Pseudotachylytes and two distinct types of cataclasite in the Otago Schist at Tucker Hill, South Island, New Zealand, provide evidence for both seismic slip and aseismic creep on a normal fault zone during regional crustal extension in late Cretaceous time. Regional geologic evidence suggests that the fault had its present low-angle dip (ca. 10°) at the time it was active. ‘Type A’ cataclasites, presumably aseismic, can be recognized by bi-fractal grain size distributions, monomict composition, angular clasts of uniform textural maturity, and a crude fabric defined by oriented grains and transgranular fractures. ‘Type B’ cataclasites, possibly cosesimic, have characteristics consistent with fluidized grain flow, including heterogeneous clast shapes and types, a bimodal grain size distribution, intrusive relationships with other rocks, and the absence of any fabric or transecting fractures. Pseudotachylyte, which occurs as fault veins, injection veins and more complex types of intrusive structures, consistently cuts across and invades Type A cataclasites but is both intrusive into and included as clasts in Type B cataclasites. These relationships are consistent with a fault evolution model in which the development of a damage zone through aseismic cataclasis (Type A) facilitates the formation of pseudotachylyte in a subsequent seismic event by providing a permeable matrix through which fluids can drain in the early stages of slip, thereby maintaining frictional contact between rock surfaces. The formation of pseudotachylyte, in turn, may seal the fault zone and lead to thermal pressurization in a later seismic cycle, forming fluidized (Type B) cataclasites. Seismic slip on the low-angle normal fault zone at Tucker Hill may have occurred by two distinct modes of dynamic weakening — melt lubrication and thermal pressurization — in successive seismic events. Although there is a perception among geologists that pseudotachylyte is most likely to form in intact, crystalline rocks, geophysical models of fault zones clearly demonstrate that pseudotachylyte formation is actually suppressed in low-permeability rock because any fluids present would be unable to escape the fault zone and thermal pressurization would rapidly reduce frictional resistance. The paradigmatic occurrences of pseudotachylyte in otherwise pristine crystalline rocks probably represent somewhat exceptional circumstances (single rupture events at very high effective stress in dry rock). Coseismic frictional melts may actually be more common in hydrated rocks like the schist at Tucker Hill, but harder to recognize and also vulnerable to overprinting as a fault zone matures. In such rocks, pseudotachylyte may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of a fault zone, the period between the formation of a high-permeability damage zone and the development of a low-permeability fault core.
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