
Benke, M. B., Goh, T. B., Karamanos, R., Lupwayi, N. Z. and Hao, X. 2012. Retention and nitrification of injected anhydrous NH 3 as affected by soil pH. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92: 589-598. Anhydrous ammonia is an economical and extensively used fertilizer, yet loss after injection can reduce its agronomic efficiency. A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine how soil properties affect ammonia retention and nitrification following anhydrous NH3 injection using 10 different Canadian prairie soils. Soils were also injected with atmospheric air for comparison. Following injection, soils were incubated for up to 216 h at field capacity. Among the soil properties studied [pH (1:2 water), clay, total N, and organic C contents], only pH was negatively related (R 2=0.55, n=10, 24 h incubation) to percentage injected N retained by soil. The amount of N retained by soil 24 h following injection was 92±2% (mean±SEM) when pH 7.5. Rate of nitrification increased (P<0.001) about 48-96 h...

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