
Globalization brings about not only amazing changes but threatening leakages and ruptures to the local cultures. The flush of virtualization may have blurred the borders founded by the cultures and in turn confused the views of cultural identities. The identity of 'being Indonesia' (“keindonesiaan”) is in the middle of a crisis. All the processes of globalisation, streams of information through the media and postmodernity have brought great impacts on this identity. This crisis is worsened by the cultural leakages and ruptures in the whole building of the culture. There are chances of mix, amalgamation and hybridisation. Multidimensional rupture brings in external influences that should be resolved by strengthening the substance of local identity. Some local cultural principles seem to have been defoundationalised. Trans-cultural phenomena appear simultaneously with the rise of hybrid identities and ways of life. All this can end up in a cultural schizophrenic showing itself in the fluidity of identity that doesn't care about the cultural foundations anymore.

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