
The maximisation of shareholder wealth can be achieved by attaining favourable financial performance. Consequently, the organisation can fulfil the anticipated outcomes of its owners and investors. The financial performance of a corporation serves as an indicator of its efficacy and efficiency in attaining its objectives. The organisation is facing a growing demand to enhance its operational performance by implementing innovative strategies in its business management. Continual implementation of this practice is necessary to navigate a highly competitive market environment effectively. This research employs empirical data to examine and evaluate the impact of brand image, advertising spending and promotion, and capital expenditure investment on a company's financial success. The present study centres on the examination of the retail industry in Indonesia from 2013 to 2023, utilising data obtained through the purposive sampling technique. The present study aims to gather data from prior research sources that are pertinent to the keywords "brand image," "shopping investment," and "Company financial performance." Utilise Helper Harzing's Publish or Perish tool to do this. Subsequently, the data underwent analysis through the utilisation of multiple linear regression. This study examines the research and impact of brand image on consumer shopping investment. The effect of capital on a company's financial performance will be thoroughly examined in this article.

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