
Over the years branding has been the concern of many businesses across the globe, however the fashion world has not been exempted, many studies has also been carried out to investigate relationship that exist between fashion and branding. Brand images and identity has been the major point for competition among fashion customers, clients, investors and brand owners. This call for this research to find out impact of brand image and brand identity has on fashion entrepreneurs. The population was drawn from Accra metropolis covering areas such as McCarthy hill, and North-Kaneshie, Accra. Purposive sampling was used to select 50 respondents made up of fashion entrepreneurs (14), fashion students (18) and consumers (18). The questionnaire was the main tool used for this study. Four research questions were tested in this study using simple percentage, piecharts and frequencies respectively. The results show that the essence of branding on fashion entrepreneurs is inseparable. Logo, symbol/ colors of a fashion enterprise contribute to the progress of fashion entrepreneurs. It was also discovered that brand name has an influence on purchase decision of their clients and that brand identity increases investors and customer awareness and customer loyalty. It was concluded that the impact of brand image and identity such as logo, symbols, colors among others, contribute significantly to customers and loyalty. This study recommends that fashion entrepreneurs should give adequate time to come up with brands that speak for them anytime and anywhere, fashion entrepreneurs should cultivate the habit of setting fund aside for their business needs, as funds will be required to enhance their businesses, relying on government, non-governmental organization or others for loans may not always be available, creativity should be the focus of fashion entrepreneurs, because we live in a world where change is constant.

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