
At the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the tidal research was started in the mid-sixties of the last century. At first, measurements by horizontal pendulums (Tomaschek-Ellenberger, Melchior) were carried out. At the beginning of the 70's a new horizontal pendulum with capacitive transducer was developed. By means of this pendulum tidal measurements were carried out at the Geodynamical Observatory in Sopronbánfalva and local geodynamical movements were monitored in a coal mine in Pécs and at our nuclear power plant in Paks. At the beginning of the 90's a quartz tube extensometer with capacitive transducer was installed at the Geodynamical Observatory in Sopron and in the uranium mine in Pécs. The extensometers in Budapest installed in the early 80's, the extensometer in Výhne (Slovakia) were mounted with capacitive transducers. New, in-situ calibration method was developed at our institute and all of these extensometers were recalibrated by the new calibration device. A microbarograph of high resolution was also developed for the study of atmospheric tide in 1991. The investigation of the connection between air pressure variations and geodynamical phenomena has been carried out since 1992. This paper presents the developed instruments and the results obtained by these instruments.

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