
Currently, there is a complex system of science governing in Russia, which incorporates programs and goals defining mechanisms and documents, as well as government tools of support for science for selected challenges and risks. However, Russian science has an issue of low mobility and scarce essential resources. For example, the amount of funding of science and research in Russia does not allow for the technological breakthrough if compared to figures of the countries, leading in scientific and technological development. With the state budget providing two thirds of the gross expenditure on R&D, it remains the main source of funding for science and research. The Government of Russia has still not reached the goals of making research, development, and engineering in Russia attractive to investors, and creating the financial basis of technological breakthrough with the significant ratio of non-budgetary funds. To analyze the existing problems in the field of science and technology in Russia, The Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (RIEPL) hosted a scientific and practical conference "Scientific and Technological development of the Russian Federation: Resources, Results, Prospects." The discussion pertained to topics of science popularization and improvement of the status of science; development of the shared scientific infrastructure; cooperation between universities, scientific organizations, businesses, and government; science diplomacy; regional development of science in Russia; the usage of international scientometrics databases, and statuary and regulatory basis of scientific work. Following the conference, the list of proposals for the development of state policy in the field of science and technology has been prepared. This list can be used by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to determine transformation directions for the governance system of scientific and technological development.


  • There is a complex system of science governing in Russia, which incorporates programs and goals defining mechanisms and documents, as well as government tools of support for science for selected challenges and risks

  • Russian science has an issue of low mobility and scarce essential resources

  • The amount of funding of science and research in Russia does not allow for the technological breakthrough if compared to figures of the countries, leading in scientific and technological development

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По итогам конференции подготовлен перечень предложений по совершенствованию государственной научно-технической политики, который может быть использован Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации при определении направлений трансформации системы управления научно-технологическим развитием. Б. Итоги научно-практической конференции РИЭПП с зарубежным участием «Научно-технологическое развитие Российской Федерации: ресурсы, результаты, перспективы» // Управление наукой и наукометрия.

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