
Presented in this paper are results of the introduction of a modernized single-horizon system of development with heat-insulated pipes at the inclined block ÐiевеN€Ð½N‹Ð¹ (“North”) Oil Mine № 2 on the Substation Control «SC-2 bis» (ОПУ-2биN) and Substation Control «SC-3 bis» (ОПУ-3биN) pilot plots of Yaregskoye Oilfield. In plots SC-2 bis and SC-3 bis, thermometry is systematically carried on the control wells to determine the temperature distribution in the reservoir, as well as the rational distribution of steam injection in the developed plot. A method for determining the effectiveness of injection wells on pilot plots was developed by staff at Ukhta State Technical University. In line with the method, studies which helped to determine the acceleration of underground injection wells necessary for calculating the volume of steam injection at each pilot plot were carried out. Also, regular sampling of water extracted from wells for determining the presence of chlorides is carried out. Based on the analysis of these samples, wells in which have inflows of reservoir water from the aquifer are detected and develop measures to isolate them are then developed.

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