
This paper presents the results of a joint demonstration of an advanced navigation set conducted by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and the US Army Missile Command (MICOM). The Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance package (GGP) tightly couples a miniature GPS receiver (MGR) and a miniature inertial measurement unit (MIMU). The MIMU features a triad of navigation-grade interferometric fiber-optic gyroscopes (IFOGs). The field demonstration of the phase I GGP brassboards was conducted in an Army M981 fire support team vehicle (FIST-V), employing operationally realistic scenarios in an environment considered to be consistent with tracked combat vehicles operating over rough terrain in a warm climate. This demonstration provided data that quantified the capability of the GGP to meet FIST-V requirements by providing robust, continuous positioning and improved target location accuracies. This paper presents the results and conclusions drawn from the demonstration. The follow-on Phase 2 GGP miniaturization and development, future testing, and supporting manufacturing initiatives are also summarized.

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