
Fish and fish products are perishable products. Therefore, if the conditions of cultivation, preparation, storage and transportation are not observed, the risk of contamination of fish with microorganisms increases. In case of doubt about the degree of freshness of fish according to organoleptic indicators, laboratory tests are carried out, one of which is bacterioscopy of smears-prints of bioassays, used in cases of suspected contamination of fish with microorganisms. The evaluation of the results of the bacteriological study is carried out by the intensity of coloring and the number of cocci, sticks in the prepared smears-prints.Bacteriological tests of smears-prints of fish muscle tissue was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "SPbGUVM" according to generally accepted methods in accordance with the "On the safety of fish and fish products". The essence of bacteriological research lies in the fact that two smears are made on the slides, the preparations are dried in the air, fixed with a triple holding over the flame of an alcohol lamp and stained by Gramm. They view several fields of vision and calculate the arithmetic mean number of microbes in one field of view.

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