
AUCTIONEER is a distributed task allocation system for the command and control of multiple unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) using free market auctions to allocate tasks. The system eliminates the central communication fault point by distributing control of mission tasking across all UAVs instead of through a cent ral control point. Each UAV has a software agent that conducts auctions as well as bids on other agents' auctions in terms of task effort, worth, and risk. To simulate communication failures, every command and position report has a 0.5 probability of bei ng lost. The study showed that task allocations based on realistic, localized perceptions produce improved mission performance over random target allocation. Mission performance was measured in terms of survivability of the aircraft, lethality of the tar gets prosecuted, punctuality to the attacks, and oscillation of task assignments. The experiment contrasts a case that allocates targets based on each agent's estimated cost per task against a baseline case that uses a random number as a cost. The object ive was to show that free market auctions produce order in a chaotic allocation environment.

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