
The system-forming elements of landscape design on the example of street sculpture are considered.
 The main examples of the use of street sculpture are presented.
 The world experience of forming street sculpture objects as system-forming elements of landscape design and their application for the restoration of depressed spaces in the structure of the post-industrial city is analyzed.
 Their system-forming features and typological features in the conditions of the post-industrial city are determined.
 The traditional subsystem of street sculpture in the structure of the city consists of two main elements: decorative garden and monumental public spaces.
 Decorative garden and park sculpture by means of formation is divided into genre sculpture, allegorical and symbolic.
 The formation of new structural elements of public purpose in the city - subcenters of development, also involves the creation of a sculptural exhibition in the open air as an integral part of a single architectural ensemble or the creation of seasonal sculptural exhibitions.
 Thus, street sculpture shapes the face of the modern city, making it more attractive and comfortable to live by creating new structural elements, point inclusions, restoring depressed urban spaces.

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