
The objective of this Essay is to respond objectively to the accusations that are leveled against the Holy Scriptures and the evangelical church, accusing them of sexism, misogynists and discriminators of women. To carry out this Essay we propose three moments; the first, to define and clarify the concepts that feminist literature uses on the subject of the Invisibility of Women; in a second moment we make a brief explanation of some biblical texts based on the gospel according to Saint John when Jesus Christ is related to some women; Finally, the results of the survey that we carried out in the month of August are presented, as a result of a course that we were giving at Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary, at the postgraduate level. After carrying out these moments, we affirm that, in no way can the Holy Scriptures and specifically Jesus Christ be described as sexist, misogynist or oppressive; on the contrary, women are dignified and have an important participation in ecclesiastical work. The results of the applied surveys allow us to affirm that, in our churches and homes, the aforementioned Invisibility of Women does not exist; they decide and participate actively in the economy and administration in their home, they also enjoy and decide regarding their sexual intimacy, while participation in the Church is still regular.

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