
The growth of three young (5-6 years since planting) Douglas-fir plantations fertilized with a single low-rate application of municipal biosolids, ranging from 17-19 dry Mg ha-1, was studied. Stand measurements showed increases in DBH, height, average and total basal area, average and total volume and average and total dry-weight differences in the biosolids-fertilized vs. control. For instance, average per tree DBH was 14.7% greater than the controls, height by 2.7%, per stem basal area by 27%, per stem average volume by 33%, per stem average dry weight by 38%, basal area per hectare by 28%, volume per hectare by 32% and dry weight per hectare by 36% compared to untreated controls. Comparing differences in volume increases from initial growth periods with the latest growth period indicates that volume increases due to the biosolids treatment are continuing and apparently increasing over time. However, none of these observed differences were statistically significant (0.05 level) due to high variation within and between stands.

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