
The present study was carried out under two locations of different conditions i.e at North Sinai region (sandy soil) and El- Sharkia Governorate (Sandy loam) during 2009/2010and 2010/2011 seasons to study response of four sugar beet cultivars (Pleno, Sultan, Toro and Invermono) to four fertilizer formula (80kg N, 80kg N +24kg K2O, 100kg N + 48kg K2O/fed and 120kg N + 48kg K2O/fed). Results revealed that root and sugar yields and root quality could be maximized with the use Toro variety when fertilized with both N and K at the level of 100 Kg N/fed in Sharkia or 120 Kg N/fed in North Sinai with the addition 48kg K2O/fed in the two location. Meantime, the other varieties also gave adequate yield and quality. The two irrigation systems (surface and sprinkler) gave good results, but irrigation systems need to be investigated with special emphasis to water use efficiency and water requirements. These results give clear indication to the success of beet cultivation under North Sinai conditions. Therefore, expanding sugar beet cultivation under this virgin area and establishment beet of a factory might contribute greatly to the development of this area.

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