
Greenhouse studies examined the effects of an aquatic herbicide (fluridone) in irrigation water on four vegetable crops growing on two soils. Tests on Fuquay loamy sand (0.3% humic matter) and Portsmouth fine sandy loam (4.1% humic matter) examined fluridone concentrations ≤250 μg·L−1. Injury to sweet corn (Zea may L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) on these soils varied with soil type and stage of plant growth. Seedlings or new transplants were more susceptible to fluridone damage than older plants. All plants showed more injury on Fuquay loamy sand, which had the lowest humic matter content. Injury to cucumber occurred only to seedlings exposed to 250 μg·L−1 on the Fuquay loamy sand. Bell pepper was the most sensitive crop to fluridone. The “no observed effects level” below which no significant injury of a crop occurred over both soil types and both stages of crop maturity was 5 μg·L−1 for sweet corn, bell pepper, and tomato and 100 μg·L−1 for cucumber.

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