
Six different preemergence herbicides including one herbicide combination were applied to container-grown Dianthus barbatus L. (Sweet William) and evaluated for their effects on weed control, plant growth and phytotoxicity. Napropamide (Devrinol 10G), oryzalin (Surflan 40.4% AS), oxyfluorfen + oryzalin (Rout GS-3G), oxadiazon (Ronstar 2G), metolachlor (Dual 8EC), simazine (Princep 4G) and Dual and Princep were applied to container-grown Sweet William and studied for a growing season. Weed seeds sown were yellow foxtail, annual bluegrass, common groundsel, common chickweed, and creeping woodsorrel. Devrinol, Surflan, and Rout GS resulted in the best weed control without affecting the overall growth of Sweet Wiliam or resulting in any phytotoxicity at rates applied. Dual and Princep resulted in phytotoxicity at all rates applied on Sweet William to a degree that would make the plants unsalable.

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