
Weeds are defined as plants growing where they are not desired. Presence of weeds highly effects the growth and development of desirable plants. Present study was carried out at Floriculture Research Area, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Five herbicide treatments were applied in three replications to the gladiolus variety “white prosperity”. By comparing results of pre and post emergence herbicide applications, it was observed that pre emergence treatments gave better results regarding weed control due to reduced competition between weed plants and crop plants. Pendimethalin applied at 12ml/litre was found to be the most effective treatment and controlled all weeds except Cyperus rotundus . Average number of plants and weed inhibition percentage of Cyperus rotundus in one foot square area were, 15.22 (39%), Convolvulus arvensis , 0.89 (77%), Coronopus didymus , 0.33 (91%), Chenopodium album , 0.22 (98%), Anagallis arvensis , 0.22 (98%), Conyza stricta , 0.89 (85%), Stellaria media , 0.22 (98%), Poa annua , 0.0 (100%), Melilotus indica , 0.22 (98%). Study revealed that Cyperus rotundus was efficiently controlled by S metolachlore than Pendimethalin where only average (2.22) numbers of plants were found in one square foot area and best weed inhibition percentage was upto (91%) for Cyperus rotundus.

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