The purpose of this research was to find out the response of celery plants when inorganic fertilizers are reduced and substituted with oil palm decanter cake mill waste. This research was conducted at Farmer’s Field in Tangkit Baru Village, Sungai Gelam Sub-district, Muaro Jambi Regency, uses Randomized Block Design with one factor ie decanter cake and inorganic fertilizer (NPK) consists of 7 levels, namely: 100% NPK Fertilizer (as recommended 200 kg urea / ha, 150 kg / ha SP-36, 200 kg / ha KCl ), decanter cake 15 ton / ha, 20 ton / ha, decanter cake 15 ton / ha + 75% dose of NPK (25% reduction of NPK dosage), decanter cake 15 ton / ha + 50% dose of NPK (50% reduction of NPK dose ), decanter cake 20 ton / ha + 75% dose of NPK (25% reduction NPK dose), decanter cake 20 ton / ha + 50% dose of NPK (50% reduction of NPK dose). The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, number of stems per hill, fresh weight per plant and plant growth rate. The results showed, that plant response to the reduction of 50% inorganic fertilizer substituted with decanter cake 15 tons per hectare gave the best celery fresh weight , leaves number and the highest celery stems number. For plant height parameters and the highest plant growth rate indicated that there was no significant difference between 15 tons per hectare and 20 tons per hectare of decanter cake at 50 percent reduction of inorganic fertilizers.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon tanaman seledri apabila pupuk anorganik dikurangi dan disubsitusi dengan limbah padat pabrik kelapa sawit decanter cake
The results showed, that plant response to the reduction of 50% inorganic fertilizer substituted with decanter cake 15 tons per hectare gave the best celery fresh weight, leaves number and the highest celery stems number
Respon Tanaman Seledri (Apium graveolus L.) Terhadap Pemberian Beberapa Macam Pupuk Daun Pada Tiga Jenis Tanah
Hasil analisis ragam tinggi tanaman seledri menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh nyata dari kombinasi pupuk NPK dan decanter cake pada tinggi tanaman seledri. Tinggi tanaman seledri menurut umur pada setiap kombinasi pupuk NPK dan decanter cake dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1. Gambar 1 Tinggi tanaman seledri menurut umur pada setiap kombinasi decanter cake dan pupuk NPK. (2012), tanaman seledri lebih tinggi pada tanaman yang diberi bahan organik dan juga pupuk kimia. Hal ini disebabkan karena unsur Nitrogen dari bahan organik (decanter cake) yang cukup tinggi 1,2 %, P 0,43% dan K sebesar 0,52% dan unsur N dari pupuk kimia walaupun hanya 50 persen dari dosis yang dianjurkan tetapi karena ada penambahan bahan organik dari decanter cake sudah dapat merangsang pertambahan tinggi tanaman di bandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Namun menambah bahan organik dari meningkatkan dosis decanter cake selanjutnya tidak mempengaruhi pertambahan tinggi tanaman seledri.
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