
A book entitled Risalah al Mahid tells about women fiqh specifically dima’ al-mar’ah. It is written by KH.Masruhan from Brumbung Demak Central Java, in 1956, using Javanese language and Arabic script (pegon). This book aims to teach women about dima’ al-mar’ah. Physically, female students having menstruation, her womb is ready for reproduction. It is as sign for them not to go to free social intercourse. This menstruation has affected women to comply with ta’abudi aspects. Woman having menstruation is not allowed reading Qur’an, prayer, I’tikaf, and others. These should be understood by female students. This research focuses on response of female students at Pesantren Mambail Futuh Jenu Tuban East Java toward content and learning process of a book Risalah al-Mahid. Result of the study describes that their response is quite good. They say that this book can be guidance for students with beginning experience of menstruation. They also tell that it is important to study this book. This research recommends that this book should be taught at pesantren and other basic educations. Keywords: Respons Santri, Kitab Risalah al-Mahid, Pesantren Manbail Futuh


  • A book entitled Risalah al Mahid tells about women fiqh

  • It is written by KH.Masruhan from Brumbung Demak Central Java

  • her womb is ready for reproduction

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Sampul kitab

Judul kitab Risalah al-Mahid ditulis pada pojok kiri atas sebelah kanan menggunakan tulisan kaligrafi dalam sebuah lingkaran yang diberi warna merah. Di bawahnya hingga menutup separuh lingkaran tersebut ditulis Limaratibiha Masruhan Ihsan Berumbung. Di bawah tulisan tersebut terdapat hiasan warna merah seperti cahaya yang memancar. Di bawahnya lagi terdapat tulisan qul huwa aza, yang ditulis agak miring ke atas menggunakan tinta warna biru dan diberi tanda seru sebanyak 5 buah. Hampir memenuhi separuh halaman dan menghabiskan bagian pojok kiri bawah terdapat gambar bola dunia (globe) yang diatasnya terdapat buku dan gambar lentera. Di sebelah kanan lentera terdapat tulisan: ”yasalûnaka ‘anil mahîd” dan diberi tanda tanya serta diberi tanda panah yang menunjuk kepada corong lentera. Jika dilihat secara keseluruhan halaman sampul, seolah-olah ada sinar matahari yang sedang menerangi dunia

Fisik Kitab
Isi Kitab
Sejarah Pondok Pesantren Manbail Futuh
Keadaan Santri
Pondok Pesantren Puteri al-Masyitoh
Wawancara dengan ibu Ita tanggal 16 Oktober 2009
Respons Santri Puteri terhadap Kitab Risalah al-Mahid
Full Text
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