
The background of the community services at Sruni (a part of Wukirsari village) is our concern in degraded land at around of Mount Merapi after eruption 2010. Researcher encourages people of Wukirsari village to self-sufficient in the supply of organic manure for their fields. It is intended to restore the soil nutrients to improve the soil structure. The target of this activity are increasing agricultural productivity, production costs and improving the efficiency of agricultural cultivation. The conclution of this research and community services are biofertilizer producted by Sruni’s people response positively to the growth of rice plants especially in combination between biofertilizer and vegetative and generative decomposers. The combination of biofertilizer and vegetative decomposers gives the effect of increase of leaf chlorophyll content in both varieties of rice plants (Menthik Wangi and Segreng). The combination also gives a striking response to the increase in Activity of Nitrate Reductase (ANR) of the flag of leaf of Segreng plants. Overall ,Researchers have implementing more than 90% of the planned activities in this grant. Keywords: biofertilizer, decomposers, degraded land, Menthik Wangi, rice, Segreng


  • PENDAHULUAN Padi merupakan tanaman pangan yang sangat penting

  • The combination of biofertilizer and vegetative decomposers gives the effect of increase of leaf chlorophyll content in both varieties of rice plants (Menthik Wangi and Segreng)

  • The combination gives a striking response to the increase in Activity of Nitrate Reductase (ANR) of the flag of leaf of Segreng plants

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Dekomposer Vegetatif dan Generatif

Lahan uji dibagi menjadi dua blok (Segreng dan Menthik Wangi). Masing-masing blok dibagi menjadi empat petak yaitu petak untuk tanaman kontrol, perlakuan dekomposer vegetatif, generatif dan petak untuk tanaman dengan kedua macam dekomposer. Seluruh petak diberikan pupuk kandang sebelum pindah tanam dan pupuk organik cair dengan dosis 10 lt/ha. Dekomposer vegetatif diberikan 10 hari sebelum pindah tanam sedangkan dekomposer generatif diberikan ketika tanaman bunting malai. Tiap perlakuan diambil 10 sampel untuk pengukuran parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun) dan poduktivitas (ANR, kadar klorofil). HASIL Produktifitas 2 varietas padi berbeda (Menthik Wangi dan Segreng) dengan perlakuan 4 variasi jenis dekomposer (yang tertera dalam Table 1) di lahan uji ditunjukkan oleh gambar berikut ini: Tinggi tanaman Padi var. Pengaruh Dekomposer Terhadap Tinggi tanaman Padi Menthik Wangi dan Segreng

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