
The article is aimed at presenting the survey respondents’ involvement in tourist activities, taking into account certain factors at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective may be divided into three direct aims, each of which consists of the determination of the factors that can influence the choice of tourist journeys: (1) organizational factors, (2) social-economic ones, and (3) sustainable development. The authors’ own research findings are used to verify the objective. The research was conducted in April and May 2020 with the use of a diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire. Five-hundred sixty-four respondents from Poland (Podlaskie, Masovian, and Lesser Poland Voivodeships) and 133 respondents from the US (New York State, New Jersey, and Illinois) took part in the research. It was divided into organizational, social-economic, and sustainable development related factors. The research confirmed, inter alia, a great impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organization of tourist travels by the respondents in 2020. The issue presented in the article is a new one; it has not yet been a subject matter of research. That is the major reason the authors aimed to conduct it. What is a new methodological element in the article is the organization of some concepts concerning tourism and a presentation of the influence of COVID-19 on tourism. In the authors’ opinion, the issues presented are new and have a considerable impact on new trends in the development of tourism at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue discussed is very broad, and the article does not exhaust it. The research findings are compared to the research findings reported by other authors, and standard deviations are calculated.


  • Tourism, i.e., the movement of people both individually and in organized groups is a phenomenon known even in former times the term has been used since the 19th century

  • Autochthonous people offer unused potential for understanding in what way we develop solutions resistant to COVID-19 and similar risks in the future

  • The respondents from the US expressed the opinion that sustainable tourism at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic is mmainly iiddeenntifified wwiitthh eeqquuaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ooff ttoouurriisstt mmoovveemmeenntt

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I.e., the movement of people both individually and in organized groups is a phenomenon known even in former times the term has been used since the 19th century. A contemporary phenomenon of tourism can be viewed form many perspectives Most often it is perceived in the social, psychological, cultural, and economic context [2]. AAtt pprreesseenntt,, tthhee wwoorrlldd aanndd tthhee eennttiirree ttoouurriissmm iinndduussttrryy ffaaccee tthhee CCOOVVIIDD--1199 ppaannddeemmiicc,, wwhhiicchh hhaass sspprreeaaddaacrcorossss20260c6oucnoturnietsri[e1s4][.1O4]n. AAtt tthhee pprreesseenntt ttiimmee ooff tthhee CCOOVVIIDD--1199 ppaannddeemmiicc,, tthhee iimmppoorrttaannccee ooff ttoouurriissmm aanndd iittss ssuussttaaiinnaabbllee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt iiss eexxttrreemmeellyy iimmppoorrttaanntt. The article aims to present tourist activities based on the survey respondents’ answers and takes into account certain conditions at the ttiimme ooff tthhee CCOOVVIIDD--1199 ppaannddeemmiicc. The aarticle presents theoretical bases and aa rreesseeaarrch ggaapp This ppart ppreesents a ddeettailed rreevview ooff lliitteerrature oonn tthhee iinnflfluueenncce ooff tthhee CCOOVVIIDD-19 ppandemic on tourism. Thee fifinnaall ppaarrttoofftthheeaarrttiicclleepprreesseennttssccoonncclulussioionnss..TThheessuubbjejeccttpprreesseennteteddisistotoppicicaallaassththeeSSAARRSSCCoo-V-V-2v2ivruirsuhsahsalsefltefat ma marakroknobnobtohtthotuoruisrmismdedmemanadnadnadnsduspupplyp,lyw,iwll ihllahvaevloenlogn-tge-rtmer,min,cirnecmreemnteanlteaffl ecfftescitns tihnethcoemcoinmginygeayresa, rasn, danwdilwl eilvleenvteunatlulyalblyrinbrginugs uclsocselorsteortthoethtreantrsafnosrmfoarmtioantionf toofutroisumri.sm

Review of Literature
Materials and Methods
16. Al Jazeera Coronavirus
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