
At oxygen concentrations below air saturation, R.Q. and A.Q. values of Tilapia mossambica increase with decrease in ambient oxygen at 30 and 35°C, indicating an increase in anaerobic metabolism and protein utilization. The recovery metabolism indicates that T. mossambica accumulates an oxygen debt at 30°C, which was not obvious at 35°C. The post-hypoxic oxygen consumption at 30°C is quite pronounced and the fish repays almost wholly the oxygen debt accumulated. At 30°C, R.Q. and A.Q. reach prehypoxic level immediately after exposure to high oxygenated water. In contrast to this, during recovery the first high R.Q. which is higher than unity and subsequent low R.Qs., almost as low as 0.5, suggest respectively that, anaerobic energy utilization persists and carbon dioxide is retained. The differences in the recovery metabolism of T. mossambica at the two temperatures may be due to changes in metabolism and pathways due to temperature. The recovery metabolism of T. mossambica suggests that energy derived anaerobically could proceed through other pathways than the conventional glycolytic way. The decrease in random activity during the hypoxic phase at 30 and 35°C may have a special significance for survival.

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