
The aim of this work was to prove many years research (at least two rotations) devoted to the problems of onion growing for industrial purposes on Nizhneje Povolzhje irrigated land. For these purposes, we have selected two farms with typical characteristics and production conditions in Astrakhan and Volgograd regions. During the period of the first rotation (2011-2015), we conducted competitive tests for the number of onion varieties and hybrids introduction and adaptation, as the result of which the zoned variety Volgodonets was selected for the second rotation (2016-2020) as a control and two regionalized hybrids of foreign selection Pandero F1 and Benefit F1. These samples were sown in the selected experimental plots as part of five-field vegetable-grain crop rotations in both farms. As the result, over five years of observations, the Benefit F1 hybrid showed the highest yield of 150.16 t/ha, Pandero F1 - 139.58 t/ha, and the Volgodonets variety - only 69.35 t/ha in Astrakhan region and 129.57 t/ha; 103.10 t/ha; 74.00 t/ha, respectively, in Volgograd region. The highest profitability indicator was provided by the Benefit F1 hybrid, which amounted to 87.94%.

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