
The subject of the study is the psychological resources of the senior staff of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to study the relationship between subjective representations of the success and effectiveness of the professional activities of managers and their resource availability. It was suggested that a large number of requirements imposed on the leadership of departments and faculties will actualize the psychological resources of the personality of managers with high efficiency of professional activity and lead to depletion of resources with low efficiency of professional activity. The study involved 376 heads and deputy heads of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with service experience in the internal affairs bodies from 2 to 38 years, in office from several months to 29 years. In order to collect empirical data, the following methods were used: author's questionnaire; questionnaire "Strategies for overcoming stressful situations" by S. E. Hobfoll; "Questionnaire of proactive coping behavior" by E. Greenglas, R. Schwarzer and S. Taubert; questionnaire of "Psychological capital" by A. Bakker; "Test of resilience" by S. Maddi; "Test of life orientations" by J. Crambo and L. Maholika. The results of the study indicate that the self-assessment of the professional effectiveness and success of the management of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reflects the level of its resource availability. In general, the results of the study indicate a high resource availability of the senior staff of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition, based on subjective representations of the professional effectiveness and success of the leaders of this group, it is possible to predict the choice of constructive and proactive coping strategies that act as psychological resources of the individual: the higher the head evaluates the effectiveness of his professional activity, the more often he implements constructive and proactive coping strategies. The most significant contribution of the study is that its results can be used for an operational assessment of the actual resource availability of the head when conducting group and/or individual psychological support work by a psychologist.

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