
It is well known for experts that resonances in nonlinear systems lead to new invariant objects that lead to new behaviors. The goal of this paper is to study the invariant sets generated by resonances under foliation preserving torus maps. That is torus which preserve a foliation of irrational lines $L_{\theta_{0}}=\{\theta_{0}+\Omega t | t\in\mathbb{R}\}\subset\mathbb{T}^{d}$. Foliation preserving maps appear naturally as reparametrization of linear flows in the torus and also play an important role in several applications involving coupled oscillators, delay equations, resonators with moving walls, etc. The invariant objects we find here, lead to predictions on the behavior of these models. Since the results of this paper are meant to be applied for other problems, we have developed very quantitative results giving very explicit descriptions of the phenomena and the invariant objects that control them. The structure of the phase locking regions for foliation preserving maps is very different than for generic maps of the torus. Indeed, for the sake of completeness, we have developed similar analysis for the case of generic maps of the torus and shown that the objects that appear in foliation preserving maps are quantitatively and qualitatively different from those of generic torus maps. This has consequences in applications.

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