
Polarization dependent photoemission spectra in the photon energy range 15–45 eV were measured for La 2CuO 4+x, La 2NiO 4+ y and Nd 2CuO 4 single crystals, as well as for metallic La partially oxidized with different doses of oxygen. At photon energies 17–18 eV the intense resonance feature at binding energy around 6 eV was observed for single crystals of La 2CuO 4+ x , La 2NiO 4+ y and for metallic La oxidized with oxygen dose 0.5–1 Langmuir. For La 2CuO 4+ x and La 2NiO 4+ y single crystals the binding energy of the resonant feature and the resonance photon energy are slightly different for photon polarization vector parallel and perpendicular to the CuO planes of crystal. No such resonance was observed for Nd 2CuO 4. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the intense resonance observed is associated with La electronic states; and that for the resonance to take place, a specific chemical environment of La is necessary.

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