
Having heard and discussed the report of Deputy G. A. Aliev, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics notes that "The Fundamental Directions of General Education and Vocational School Reform" [Osnovnye napravleniia reformy ob-shcheobrazovatel 'noi i professional 'noi shkoly], drawn up by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and brought before this present session for consideration, is of crucial significance to the economic, social, political, and spiritual [and intellectual] progress of Soviet society. This document develops Lenin's concept of a unified, labor-based, poly technical school and of the role it plays in shaping the new [Soviet] man. It contains a demontrably valid strategic program for ongoing improvement in the general education and vocational school, and for nurturing our young successors in light of the decisions reached at the Twenty-sixth CPSU Congress, and the June 1983 and February 1984 Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee. It is wholly consonant with statements made in the USSR Constitution on the right of Soviet citizens to education. It outlines a broad complex of statewide measures that are expected to raise the work of the Soviet school to a new qualitative level, and defines its developmental perspectives.

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