
This research aims to analyze the factors that cause coastal resource management disputes in Jerowaru sub-district and to analyze efforts to resolve coastal resource management disputes in Jerowaru sub-district. By using empirical legal research methods. The results of this research show that there are 3 factors that cause disputes, namely PT Temada's non-compliance with Law No. 27 of 2007 concerning the management of coastal areas and small islands and the East Lombok Regency RTRW regional regulation concerning coastal areas, where PT Temada violates related development permit regulations. with the beach border and then there is no public access to the beach because PT Temada has carried out concrete fencing up to the shoreline, which means there is no access road for the surrounding community. Lack of government supervision of permits issued regarding coastal borders. Permits issued by the government should be accompanied by supervision when the development process begins. Then there are efforts to resolve disputes by means of litigation and non-litigation legal settlement, where non-litigation legal settlement is expected to be able to resolve the conflict problem.

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