
At present, the problems of resocialization and social adaptation of those sentenced to deprivation of liberty in both theoretical and applied aspects remain unsolved. These problems require serious consideration. It is concluded that at present in the science of criminal-executive law there is no unity of opinion on the concept and content of the terms in question. The criminal-executive legislation of the Russian Federation and the practice of its application in this sphere also have serious shortcomings. The problems of legislative regulation and law enforcement practice of resocialization and social adaptation of prisoners sentenced to the deprivation of liberty are analyzed in the article taking into account the author's position. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of educational work with people sentenced to the deprivation of liberty, including sports, amateur performances, and general and professional education. It is necessary to improve the legal culture of convicts, including providing them with free legal aid. The author identified factors that complicate the resocialization and social adaptation of convicts in isolation, proposed legal and organizational measures that facilitate their minimization.

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